How to Copy from Excel to Word Without Losing Formatting: 4 Methods

Use Copy and Paste Feature

Another great way to keep the format of the Excel file intact in the Word file is to create a static or dynamic image of the data.

3.1 As a Static Image in Word

To insert a table in your Word document without further change in the table, you can insert a static image of the table in your Word file. Just follow the steps below.


Use Insert Object Feature of MS Word

Use Insert Object Feature of MS Word

Use Insert Object Feature of MS Word

Look at the following image. It’s clear the table is in the picture format here.

Use Insert Object Feature of MS Word (Result)

3.2 As a Linked Image in Word

By applying this magic trick, if you change anything in your Excel file, it will be updated in the image in the Word file. Just follow the steps below.


<a href=As a Linked Image in Word" width="700" height="464" />

If you make any change in the source Excel file, the corresponding change will appear in this Word file too.

<a href=As a Linked Image in Word (Result)" width="404" height="301" />

Method 4 – Insert a Piece of Excel Spreadsheet in Word and Copy Excel Data to It

You can work just as you do in Excel by embedding a blank Excel worksheet into your Word document. Just follow the steps below to do this.


Insert a Piece of Excel Spreadsheet in Word and Copy Excel Data to It

Insert a Piece of Excel Spreadsheet in Word and Copy Excel Data to It

Insert a Piece of Excel Spreadsheet in Word and Copy Excel Data to It (Result)

Download Practice Workbook

Download the following Excel file for your practice.